Four years ago, when the life that I was living at that time seemed unpredictable, and filled with both dread and excitement, I easily fell into the realm of self-reflection. I'm sure that most people who are experiencing life changes would admit to the same philosophical ponderings; consciously or not. My own life analysis was definitely scrutinized with eyes wide open.
Included in the many resources of self understanding was The Secret, the instantaneously popular philosophy that was the answer to our most important life matters; relationships, prosperity, health and overall happiness. An overwhelmingly large part of my psyche at that time was immediately drawn to, what seemed like, the answer to how I could finally get everything I wanted in my life. Simply put, the philosophy focuses on the Law of Attraction as the universal law that shapes what is brought in to our lives. Through our thoughts and feelings, we draw the experiences, the wealth, the relationships into our lives- basically we attract these things. Since then, I have read more about the Law of Attraction. I find the belief fascinating, as well as powerful for me. It gives me a sense of control over what is happening in my life. Maybe it is not just the thoughts and feelings I am having that is creating the life I am living, maybe it is also these same thoughts and feelings that are providing me with the drive and ambition to do something about the things that I don't like. Maybe it is the universe allowing the pieces of my attractions to fall into place. However I interpret it, I'm not going to let this happen without having some awareness and control over what those conscious or unconscious thoughts can drop on my doorstep.
The one thing that repeatedly appears in everything I've ever read about the Law of Attraction, is the making of a personal vision board. Get pictures of the things that you want to attract in your life; cut them out; glue them on a board. In this age of technology, I was too lazy to buy a board, some glue, and then to find pictures that could be cut and pasted on to this board. Instead, I adapted. I made my vision board work for me, so that not only could I easily access my "wish list", but when I did, it was an immediate mood lifter. I created a vision board file on my computer. I scoured the internet for the pictures that provided me with my ambition, then copied them into my Vision Board file. Now, when I need a reminder, or when I want to add, and sometimes delete, items from my board, I open my file, and then set my computer to slide show. I sit back and enjoy the show.
Included in my adaptation of the Vision Board idea, was the making of my "One Year from Now" list. Despite the stories of other people's successes with the Law of Attraction, I still had a hint of skepticism lurking behind my optimism. However, with the creation of my "One Year from Now" list, which I first started almost two years ago, the skepticism has fallen far behind. Every few months I revisit my list. Often there are items on the list that I have completely forgotten. But what is most astounding to me are the number of items on the list that I have accomplished, or that actually became a part of my life. It would be unrealistic to say that every single item became apparent in my life. Instead, what I have noticed is that the items that never did come to pass, were usually items that had no appeal to me anymore. I was no longer attracting those things into my life. Because of these continuous changes, I began to make new lists each time I revisited my "One Year from Now". And each time, I am always in awe of what happens in my life over the course of a few months.
Why do I do it? My vision board, and my lists give me the direction I need. They force me to always be re-evaulating what it is that I want in my life, and how I am going to get there. They make me change directions. They make me take control. They make me responsible.
"...know that you alone control your happiness and it is a choice, no matter what anyone else is doing." from The Secret.
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1 day ago
Great post Joanne...curious though, to know what sorts of ideas you had for your vision board? Care to share?
ReplyDeleteHi Dianne,
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how many comments I received about my Vision Board post.
My vision board and my "One Year From Now" list include very small inconsequential items, to the grander, more life-changing. Travel is one that is always on each list. But, I try to be very specific about my destinations. Before I even read "The Secret" and before I left my marriage, I made a list of dreams that I had completely forgotten about until about two years ago. When I came across it, I was shocked by what I had actually done. The two things that stand out the most for me are my dream to dance onstage in Nashville, and travelling to New York City. Both of these were on that original list from about five years ago.
Some other smaller visions that became reality include selling my trailer and my seadoo because of the grief that mechanical items tend to cause me; painting my bathrooms; a spa day with my friends; going to see Dirty Dancing in Toronto; reading certain books; buying a new bike; hanging an inspirational print...
Some of my bigger dreams- to become passionate about teaching again; having my own classroom; finding a man who was right for me (I was actually very specific about many of the characteristics that I was looking for); learning to cook in Italy (this one has not materialized yet, but I know it will); becoming a published author (another one I'm still working on)...
When I add or delete on my list, I pay close attention to how each one of my items makes me feel when I think about it. Is it something that I can't wait to accomplish or have in my life? Do I feel excited about the path to get there? If there is any kind of anxiety or stress, then it is immediately taken off my list. The important thing is making it about you; what drives you, and what drives your ambition.