My writing has always been a way for me to escape. It allows me to release what is building up inside of me. It lets me air the negative, but also lets me remember the positive. I sometimes have to remind myself of the feeling, the high, that I get from putting my thoughts on paper. For the past few weeks, I have been consumed with report cards, curriculum expectations, medical issues, the drama of motherhood, the daily living of life. I tried to sit down to write. I wanted to recapture that moment of euphoria when I have finished a post. But, for some reason, the words were stuck. I needed to find a way to climb the wall of my writer's block. I had to write again to rekindle the connection I have made with so many women. I had to write again for me.
I keep various journals, depending on my mood, depending on the purpose of my writing. I read through many of my pieces hoping to renew the inspiration. As I was reading, the pride of seeing my own words on paper grew into that desire to write again. One piece in particular was written shortly before I created "The Chocolate of Women". It was written at a time when I was building the passion I feel for my life and all of the people and things that I have in my life. It was written in the spring, when the world reawakens, when it is easy to hope. The journal that I chose to write in on that spring day is called "Passion, every day".
May 24, 2009: "Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." (Denis Diderot) I am sitting on my back patio, sipping my coffee, listening to the birds, the sound of my neighbour's water hose as it soaks the dry ground, breathing in the scent of my purple lilac bush, feeling like I am on vacation at a northern Ontario resort. I want to revel in the feeling of being away from my life, even if it is only for half an hour. For this small bit of time, there are no unwelcome interruptions into my thoughts- internally or externally. The sun is feeling warmer now, almost hot, so bright on the white pages of my journal. I love late spring; the world is alive again, and has breathed new purpose back into my soul. I feel the drive to make my passions grow. In the dark days of winter, I was afraid that I had lost that drive or buried it so deep that it would take years to resurface. But, each day I feel its return and welcome it with open arms.
Today's passion is my garden. The beauty and colours of my gardens inspire me to tend to them, learn more and watch them grow and mature. Today, I add life and beauty to my outside home. I am so lucky to have the means to spend a glorious Sunday pursuing this passion. It is not a chore. It is the beauty of my life.
As I read this journal entry this week, chips of my writer's block fell away. I wanted to feel that passion again. I wanted to remember all of the small things that have healed me, and have allowed me to grow into the person I am. I wanted to write.
Another free writing competition
1 day ago
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