There is a unique relationship between a mother and her offspring. In the animal world, the protective nature of the mother bear towards her cubs is renowned and feared. If mama senses danger, her instinct is to defend her babies.
"Mother black bears are notoriously protective of their cubs..." (National Geographic)
"They [brown bears] can be dangerous to humans, particularly if surprised or if a person gets between a mother bear and her cubs." (National Geographic)
"Females [polar bears] aggressively protect their young..." (National Geographic)
My own children are my cubs, and I am their mother bear. I, too, will aggressively protect my children if I sense that they are in danger, or if they have been hurt. Unlike bears, however, my claws will also come out when I know that my children are suffering emotionally or mentally, especially when I know that this suffering has been caused by another human.
I make no excuses for being impolite, socially improper, or openly rude if the person who I am throwing this attitude towards has been the cause of my child's tears, and the cause of preventable anguish. I will not play the game of social pretense. I will not be your friend. I will, however, always be the mother bear for my cubs.
Another free writing competition
20 hours ago
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